Unix and Web Services

Oninit® staff are skilled in most flavours of Unix. Although our platform of choice is either Solaris or Linux, Oninit® are also able to install, administer, tune and support AIX, HP-UX, SCO and Dynix. The Unix performance skills acquired by Oninit® grew out the need to tune Informix databases. Too often the Informix performance problems were due to the underlying Unix and/or server configuration. The server configuration can also be hindered by the system administrators who, for whatever reason, have a dislike for raw disk.

Oninit® servers are all Sun Enterprise Class machines running a variety of versions of Solaris. Apache is our web server of choice, although on managed servers, then any web server is possible. Secure content delivery over SSL is also available on all the servers, with Thawte being our preferred certification body.

For companies wishing to do their own development Oninit® offers either PHP or Perl. For managed or co-located servers there is no restriction on the development software that can be installed.

The database is the latest version of Informix Internet Foundation which comes complete with the Web and Text Datablades. For companies requiring only limited database capabilities then MySQL is available.

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Apache ModSSL OpenSSL